Baanto | Shadowsense™
Engineering Capabilities
Baanto | Shadowsense™
Engineering Capabilities
Customized Engineering Solutions
Baanto offers complete in-house end-to-end engineering services to our clients. Our management processes allow us to quickly and efficiently adapt to new, and unforeseen sudden challenges within a project.
Our capabilities range from advanced hardware engineering to cutting-edge software development.
Baanto Engineering Solution Offerings
Hardware Design
Baanto in-house enginners provied clients with design services for both Digital and Analog Hardware. Additonally we provide re-engineering and redesign services for existing products that may require updating to the latest regulatory standards, or for performance improvement or cost reduction.
Baanto can help you with the complex issues of manufacturing your product. With our extensive manufacturing experience and global connections, we can project manage your design or engage contract manufacturers on your behalf.
Mechanical Engineering
With considerable experience in the field of mechanical design and engineering, including advanced robotic applications, Baanto carefully chooses the type of design, materials and technologies to use in order to optimize the product for your target market.
Regulatory Compliance
Regulatory compliance is vital for any product that is being introduced into the market these days. The team at Baanto has extensive knowledge of and can assist in, providing full support for the various aspects of regulatory testing and compliance.
Software Design
Baanto’s team of experts can deliver advanced software applications on a variety of platforms and operating systems. Baanto engineers have the experience to deliver flexible, reliable and efficient software solutions.
Solve. Invent. Innovate.
Baanto is here to deliver highly innovative and successful engineering solutions for your challenges.
Working collaboratively with you, our aim is to keep you informed throughout your project, while building a partnership with powerful results.