Hover Touch is Changing the Way Doctors Interact with Tech

In a clinic or hospital environment, saving time is vital. Procedurally, medical professionals need to scrub out to access medical information on computers. This produces a delay in diagnosis, treatment, or even surgery.

However, the emergence of new technology can drastically reduce healthcare-associated infections and save time in the process. Medical grade monitors that are enabled with hover touch technology mean that doctors can input notes, research symptoms, or view diagnostic images without ever coming in contact with a contaminant.

The Centres for Disease Control estimates that each year nearly two million hospital patients in the United States get an infection during their hospital stay. One way to ensure a better standard of care and operating room efficiency is through the use of hover enabled touch screen monitors. These monitors prevent cross contamination and make a doctor’s job easier through their boundary-free instant access to technology.

No Need to Scrub Out to Input Surgical Notes

With completely waterproof and dustproof medical grade monitors equipped with ShadowSense™, you are capable of setting up hover touch technology that accepts input based on a shadow instead of direct touch. This allows you to freely use your medical systems without the need for direct contact.

The controls for hover can be set based on a minimum or maximum shadow; higher maximum values allow for finger input, while lower maximum values will recognize smaller items such as pens or styluses. This allows for surgeons and operating room techs to adjust the view of a screen or input surgery notes without coming into contact with a potentially unsterile environment.

The benefits of this to a doctor’s office include:

  • Quick, sterile input
  • Easy access to all patient files for quick updating or reference
  • Quick reference to research materials to enable a higher standard of care

Preventing Patient Infection

Clean hands are the single most important way to prevent the spread of pathogens and antibiotic resistance in a hospital or healthcare situation.

The CDC estimates that in the course of an eight-hour shift, a typical nurse may wash their hands an approximate seven times per hour; amounting to a total of 56 minutes of hand washing during their shift.

The hands of all doctors, nurses, or patient-facing caregivers absolutely need to be clean in order to keep from infecting patients with healthcare associated illnesses, and hand washing is expected between touching a patient and an object. An infection caused by exposure to a communicable disease or infection while recovering from a medical or surgical procedure are one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the United States. Meanwhile, the Canadian Patient Safety Institute estimates that 77% of patient deaths are reportedly related to infection.

Reducing contact with devices that are known bacteria-infested surfaces prevents the spread of these infections. Hover touch technology can be used in healthcare situations for all patient note input and research, eliminating the spread of germs from doctor to nurse to patient or vice versa.

While the current adherence to in-hospital hand hygiene remains at approximately 60% of staff meeting sterile requirements, sterile operating rooms have been and will continue to be integral to the health of the patient. But a de-contaminated environment doesn’t have to mean a techless environment thanks to hover touch medical grade monitors that remain sterile without the need for drapes.

Hover touch technology effectively saves doctors and nurses time spent washing hands after contact with a patient by reducing the risk of germs being transferred directly to a common surface.

Better Imaging = Better Diagnosis

Since perimeter touch screen technology doesn’t detract from the digital image and the screens are visible under bright lights or glare, doctors are able to instantly analyze and potentially provide a diagnosis based on images that can be immediately scanned to the screen. Once the image is up on the medical grade monitor, doctors can pinch, zoom, and navigate through the image to view close-ups of X-rays or CT Scans and recognize problem areas.

Patients hate when you need to redo an X-ray or scan, and misdiagnosing a patient based on a poor-quality image could result in death. The benefits of combining high-quality screens with touch capabilities results in an above-standard image interactivity that allows doctors to quickly and accurately diagnose their patients.

Dust and Waterproof Screen Ensures Consistent Use and Less Down-Time

ShadowSense technology doesn’t just stop with the ability to accept shadows as input. You can also deny different types of inputs as well. This feature is essential to the success of your medical grade monitors, especially in a hospital environment.

Optimally, you want a touchscreen that features transparency detection so that it can isolate and reject liquid splashes or other particles so they can’t affect your use of the device.

Baanto’s ShadowSense hover touchscreens enable doctors to interact with their patients and technology without the fear of cross contamination. The frame is EMI-shielded with all electronics stored within the frame that is sealable at IP65.

If you’ve been looking to adopt the newest technology in medical grade monitors, hover touch is the best option for doctors in a wide variety of practices. Get in touch with our sales team today to learn more about how this operating system-independent technology can be installed on any device.

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