Customer Satisfaction Soars with the use of Digital Signage Displays

Providing the absolute best customer experience is integral to the success of any retail store, large or small. While nothing beats a smile and a “hello”, digital signage can work alongside your cheerful employees to deliver the best customer experience.

Customer service shouldn’t just be A department, it should be the entire company.”- Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.

Signage is not a new way to deliver these goals. According to the Toronto Strategy Institute digital signage received 10 times more eye contact than static posters, and results in 79% more awareness of the content.

Your company has worked hard to promote a culture of customer service from the bottom to the top, so ensuring that your digital kiosk displays stay on brand and focused on the target audience you are trying to attract is monumental.

You want to do this by ensuring that you deliver a clear customer experience, from the maps to the product displays, and the promise of savings targeted to the behavior of your in-store demographics.

A touch screen kiosk can provide your customers with way finding or product information, as well as company culture information, all with the interactive touch of a finger.

According to a report by Deloitte Digital, a customer’s interaction with technology influenced 36 cents on every dollar spent in retail in 2014. Deloitte predicts that number will rise to 50 cents on every dollar, or $1.5 trillion dollars.

Answer FAQ’s

Every retailer knows their customers’ common questions. What’s the return policy? Where do I find ? 

Creating an easy-to-see and easy-to-access frequently asked questions list on a digital display can potentially free up your employees to continue offering great customer service, and limits customer frustration from not easily getting an answer to their question.

Show Product Demo’s

If you sell products that require some specific knowledge to use, or may have more than one use, an interactive digital kiosk is a great way for them to learn more about the product.

According to research by Help Scout, 20% of consumers want more integrated channels. The more places they have to learn about your products and provide feedback, the more engaged they’ll be.  

Including a video that describes that products uses and shows demonstrations increases the likelihood that people will consider purchasing it, instead of backing away in confusion.

Or perhaps you can show how previous customers have styled their living room with products from your showroom, alongside which you provide information about every colour and material that the featured sofa is sold in.

Maybe you have a popular item or service that you would like to showcase or a stale SKU that needs to be sold, interactive touchscreens provide you with the opportunity to move those items.

Steer Them to the Deals

According the EWI Worldwide and the Association for Retail Environments, the addition of digital signage increases a customer’s basket size 2-3%. Giving them all the necessary tools to save money and buy more directly relates to more sales.

Customers want to know what you have on offer today. Paper fliers can be big and clumsy, and are often found lining the bottom of a green waste bin. Giving them convenient and easy access to your current promotions means that they don’t have to go looking for it, and can remember to add it to their basket.

According to a QMatic Study, 31% of retailers intended to implement the use of digital media to act as an interactive map to guide their consumers to the correct person or department.

Sometimes customers simply want to get in, get what they need, and go. Implementing an interactive map allows consumers to guide themselves immediately to where they need to go, allowing for a more satisfactory experience than searching for what they were looking for.

Give Them a Platform for Feedback

A touch screen kiosk is a great resource to intuitively capture data from your customer, as well as feedback. In-store surveys generate honest feedback, and make it an easy task to complete while they’re in the store.

  • According to a recent study, stores with digital signage of any kind saw a reported 89% increase in engagement.

Ask them to engage with you through social media by asking how you did today, and keep a running social wall that displays people’s responses in real-time.

Incentivize a Return Customer

While all of the above methods are great ways to ensure customer retention and to build brand loyalty among your customers, you want to make sure that you’re giving them a little push in the right direction.

Offering a coupon or incentive to return to your store is a great way to keep your brand top-of-mind, and helps them remember the great experience they had last time.

  • Loyal customers are worth up to 10 times as much as their first purchase.
  • The probability of selling to a current customer is 40%-50% more than selling to a new customer.

You can offer an incentive easily through a digital kiosk as something in return for filling out a survey, mentioning your brand on social media, or for simply signing up to receive store updates.

Whatever your customer service goals or company culture, one thing that all retailers can agree on is that generating brand loyalty and customer retention is important to their bottom line. At Baanto, we can make sure that your touch screen kiosk meets your industry demands.

Our Shadowsense™ technology ensures that your digital kiosks stand up to the wear and tear of being in a high-traffic environment, being completely scratch and vandal proof.

With a guaranteed 20,000 hours of run time, the perimeter based overlay works by recognizing accurate inputs and not large objects such as palms, so customers can tap, flick and pinch their way to a better customer experience.

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